What sort of impact would increase website conversions have on your business?
In your website, you have a 24/7 ‘salesperson’ who doesn’t eat, doesn’t sleep and yet may not be converting as well as it could!
It’s time to look at the traffic you are getting to your website, maybe even more importantly, what are people doing when they come to your website — are you converting them? If not, now is the time to consider Conversion Rate Optimisation and diving deep into what users do when they visit your website.
Wondering what Conversion Rate Optimisation is?
Well, Conversion Rate Optimisation, otherwise known as CRO, is a method whereby analytics is used to collect data, and user feedback is analysed in order to improve the performance of the website. Essentially CRO provides you data to understand your customers better. It is used to improve metrics on your website (i.e., customer acquisition, download, registration, etc).
A conversion is a generalised term which equates to a website visitor who has completed a goal on your website. A website goal ranges between a macro-conversion (primary goal) to a micro-conversion.
To calculate the conversion rate, divide the number of times a web visitor completed a goal by your total web traffic. If a web visitor is a loyal customer, divide the number of conversions by the number of sessions (times the web visitor opened your website). If selling a subscription, the equation is the number of conversions divided by the number of users.
Though Conversion Rate Optimisation is not directly related to the goals of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), CRO benefits SEO by providing:
1. Better Customer Insights
Since CRO is about analysing data and user feedback, it can provide SEO with more meaningful data to help target the right audience for your business. It’s not all about the quantity but also the quality of people visiting your website.
2.Increased Return of Investment (ROI)
CRO helps your SEO increase sales through conversions. CRO provides insight on how to maximise SEO’s acquisition efforts. This means a higher conversion rate with the same quantity of customers.
3. Better Scalability
While your audience may not scale as fast as your business grows, CRO helps you grow consistently. In a similar sense, as SEO focuses on visibility and high ranking to acquire more potential customers and retain loyal ones, CRO directs consumers to the point of conversion.
4. Improved User Web Experience
Users spend more time on your website when they feel they can easily acquire the information they are searching for and receive value in what you are offering through your website. SEO increases your website traffic with the marketing efforts undertaken through the optimisation process while CRO helps identify the working points within your website and expands on it to provide a better experience for your users to encourage greater engagement.
5. Trustworthiness
Your marketing efforts should include industry-related content and information within your website. Remember, your website is your 24/7 ‘salesperson’ representing your brand and company. Therefore, it’s also important that your website looks professional and has the element of sophistication. People generally have high expectations of how a website should look nowadays.
Looking at trustworthiness from a security point of view, users share confidential information such as personal details, credit cards or email addresses, so make sure that the website is secure with an SSL certificate to encrypt any information which is passed across your website.
That’s all good and said, but what can be said about the reverse? Can your SEO complement your CRO efforts?
We have 4 tips on how your SEO can complement your CRO efforts. Download it today….
A successful conversion rate optimisation has three foundations:
• where to optimise
• what to optimise
• whom to optimise for
Briefly, you first need to gather the data within your website. To name just a couple of data channels you would want to consider — where do people enter, what features do they most likely engage with, how do people enter your website and using what device.
Secondly, consider feedback from your users.
Finally, what does successful CRO NOT look like? Whatever you do, don’t base your CRO on fads and hunches. You need to study your data.
All these methods and practices lead to one thing: conversions.
If you’re curious about how we can improve traffic to your website and converting people when they get there. Let us do a FREE audit on your website. Fill in your details below and we will come back to you with our findings.
Alternatively, call 0425 266 783 or email jennyg@concept-designs.com.au
Related Tag: Marketing Agency Gold Coast
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