Previously we talked about Lead Magnets, and how they can be used to attract leads and grow your email list. You might even recall signing up to an offer, or downloaded a free e‑book at some stage before. Where did you go to receive the offer? Most likely than not, it was on a Landing Page!
So now that you have your lead magnet ideas, next you will need Landing Pages! Why you may ask? Why not just direct people straight to your website?
Rather than sending your potential leads to your home page, your lead magnet will work best on a separate Landing Page:
1. Target your market
A landing page allows you to target specifically to an audience. For example, if your lead magnet offer is targeted towards young people, you can tailor the language, text, and images towards that age group. You can target specific geographical locations and needs as well. They’ve clicked on your offer, so make your landing page engaging!
2. Better insights
Directing potential leads to a landing page instead of your website will also allow you to attribute where the leads came from, which will help you with your marketing insights and analytics. For example, you might advertise your Lead Magnet on Facebook, having a specific landing page will then let you know how many leads came from social media, and how that side of the marketing is performing.
3. No distractions
More importantly, a separate Landing Page will help your visitors stay focused. If you send them to your website, they might get distracted or overwhelmed with too much information, and leave without completing the sign-up process. Your aim is to make sure they sign-up to your lead magnet. You give them one option: Sign-up!
Ideally, your Landing Page should further describe the benefits of your lead magnet, include a testimonial if you have one, with appealing imagery or video, and a BIG Call-to-action! It should complement your lead magnet, reinforcing the value you’re offering, and must be quick and easy to sign-up. Don’t make your visitors jump through hoops to obtain your offer!
Have some great lead magnet ideas but not sure how to create a good landing page to complement them? Concept Designs and Marketing can help! Our team of web and graphic designers can build a visually appealing landing page so that your lead magnet can achieve its full potential. Get in touch today!