When it comes to setting up digital marketing campaigns for their clients, there is one vital step that even some of the very best marketing agencies leave out, and that is a competitor analysis.
A Competitor analysis is an under-utilised tool that provides a sure-fire way to get quicker leads for your business. Just by implementing this one vital step into your digital marketing strategy, you’re guaranteed to experience quicker SEO results.
As experienced digital marketing in Sydney and Gold Coast, we have seen first-hand the incredible benefits and results that our competitor analysis has offered our clients.
Why is a Competitor Analysis Often Forgotten About?
- People think they instinctively know what keywords people are Googling, yet forget to do the analysis to see if there are better keywords they should be using which they haven’t thought of yet
- A Competitor analysis requires time and effort
- Many agencies do not realise the importance of a competitor analysis
- It should always be done before a campaign is started, and some clients may be impatient to get their campaign up and running without doing the due diligence beforehand
Why is a Competitor Analysis So Important?
A Competitor analysis should be the very first step that is taken in any digital marketing campaign. If you do not have this data, you will be kickstarting your campaign blindly.
That may sound a little dramatic, but let’s look at the analogy of a helicopter pilot. What are the four responsibilities of any helicopter pilot?
- Plan the safest route to your desired destination
- Survey the weather conditions before the trip commences
- Ensures that weight is evenly distributed
- Determine which path may be the most scenic
In many ways, a good competitor analysis can help your digital marketing strategy in the following ways:
- Plans a route to your desired destination (improving your search engine rankings)
- Survey the current industry landscape
- Finds the ideal balance of which keywords to use for specific campaigns (what keywords to use for SEO and which to use for Google Ads)
- Decides which content will be most engaging for your audience
Does this analogy paint a picture of what a competitor analysis can bring to the table? Both flying a helicopter and a competitor analysis give you a bird’s eye view of the broader picture and allows you to see things from a different perspective.
Did you know that through a competitor analysis, it is possible to get accurate answers with regards to what your target market is searching for on Google? This information alone can help you speed up your SEO results by as much as 75%.
Our Competitor Analysis Solutions
If you are considering investing in a digital marketing campaign for your business, ensure that you get a competitor analysis before you do anything else. The insight that it provides is truly invaluable.
Here at Concept Designs & Marketing, our normal price for our in-depth competitor analysis services is $395+ GST, but for a limited time only, we are offering this incredible service for just $197+GST.
Visit concept-designs.com.au/competitoranalysis for your offer.
What About SEO?
As an experienced SEO company in Sydney and on the Gold Coast, we can safely say that SEO is incredibly important, but it can take a while to start experiencing results.
If you have any questions about our SEO or competitor analysis services on the Gold Coast or Sydney, feel free to get in touch with the friendly team at Concept Designs and Marketing at info@concept-designs.com.au.