What personality are you taking with you into 2014?
Well, here we are, two days into the new year and how many of you have made new years resolutions which seem completely unrealistic to you right now because, yes, two days in and you haven’t been able to keep one of them.
Could it be that you have made a new years resolution which does not suit to your personality type? Will it feel like you will be banging your head against a brick wall day in, day out for the next 363 days just trying to keep that resolution for 2014? May I suggest a simple and quick start down the path of discovery for you?
If you haven’t taken part in a personality assessment previously, then I’ve got the one to get the ball rolling for you. Daniel Pink has collated a quick personality assessment which you can take to determine your personality type. It is just something quick and easy to start the process of discovery for you. If this is something you’d like to look into further, then there are 101 different types of personality profiles which you can discover through answering detailed questionnaires. These assessments are set to help you to determine:
- Who am I?
- Why do I make the decisions I do?
- Why do I love to go to parties, or why do I prefer to sit back and watch the life of the party?
- Why am I not getting any satisfaction from my current job?
- Why do I have an attitude towards that person?
- Why do I behave the way I do when the pressure is on?
Well, if you’d like to discover the answer to a couple of these questions, then take about 5 minutes out of your busy schedule to answer this quick 18 question assessment and see whether the results answer some of the above questions for you.