Teaching, often a thankless task, but now a day or in some countries a week of recognition of the teachers who input daily into the lives of our children.
When I was asked to prepare the graphic design for a banner and chocolate wrappers for Teacher Appreciation Day for a school on the Gold Coast, it caused me to reflect on my teachers of past.…and a long time has past, let me assure you. Maybe you can think of a teacher that had an impact on you. Was it their sense of humour, their quirkiness, or their firm boundaries they’d set up? Maybe you were the teachers pet or the class clown? Whatever your experience, I hope you can take your hat off to at least one teacher from your childhood that had an impact on you.
After 10 years, I find myself back working part time at a school on the Gold Coast overseeing the marketing. How lucky am I, it’s at the school my kids attend. In my short time there, I’ve been reminded of the many, many hours teachers spend working behind the doors of their homes, behind the scenes and up in front of our kids. Hours and hours that go into programming, marking and reporting, as well as keeping our kids under control, keeping them entertained, educating them and touching their hearts.
When I was asked to design a banner and chocolate wrappers for Teacher Appreciation Day, I jumped at the opportunity and wish I had thought of it for the school I’m at. I have designed this banner and it is available for purchase. Perhaps you’d like an opportunity to thank the teachers that have impacted the lives of your children? If you’d like to purchase a banner, drop me a line and I’ll send it on across to you.
The items in this package include:
- Banner 76cm x 76cm
- Chocolate wrappers
- Buffet tags
- Small sign
- Water bottle labels
Thank a teacher today 🙂