Website Terms and Conditions Terms & Conditions — Website Website Design & Development Contract between Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd (ACN 600 250 655) and: First Last Invalid value Email* Business name (if applicable) Business ABN/ACN (if applicable) I ask that you agree to our terms and conditions before I start on your design, as outlined below. RECITAL First Last Invalid value Business name (if applicable) Invalid value Business ABN/ACN (if applicable) Invalid value Is the client. OBJECTIVE Both parties wish to enter into an agreement where Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd will supply the client with a custom website design suitable for the client’s business at the agreed pricing as outlined in Schedule 1. Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd agrees to deliver the finished custom website design when Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd has been paid in full. TERMS 1. In consideration for the payment of the fees outlined in Schedule 1 and as changed from time to time Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd will provide the following: Custom designed concepts and first viewing: Within 10 business days of receiving the client’s company info and stage 1 payment, Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd will create your website design based on the agreed package. Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd will email this design for the client to view. When Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd has received the client’s feedback on the design, Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd will make 2 rounds of changes as needed to the website design, to be completed within 30 days of the client receiving the initial concepts. After the final website design is approved, Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd agrees to deliver the custom website design to the client as a digital file (.jpg graphics file format). Stage 2: Once payment of stage 2 is received Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd agrees to build the final custom designed website. Upon completion of stage 2, Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd will deliver the link for the temporary domain for our client to review. Stage 3: Once payment of stage 3 is received, Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd will commence the reviewed changes received by our client. You have a period of 10 days in which to complete your adjustments and changes to your temporary website during stage 3. Stage 4: Once payment of stage 4 is received, Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd will launch our client’s new website, on the agreed hosting. Ownership: Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd gives the client the right to use the custom design in all media format useful for the client’s business promotion. Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd asks that the client allows Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd to display the custom website design and the client’s full ?name, business name, and if applicable, website or company address, for testimonial and promotional purposes on Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd websites and in any printed ads. Originality: Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd affirms that the custom website design is original and that Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd owns the rights granted under this agreement, and that the rights granted do not conflict with any other agreement. Request: If the client displays the designers details on a website, Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd would love to have a text link posted somewhere on the website pointing to Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd website at: (Example: Website Design by Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd of Thank you! Link to the client’s website: Please consider sending through a testimonial at the completion of your project ( 2. In return for the above-described custom design, business branding or corporate identity, the client agrees to pay the fees outlined in Schedule 1, and understands the following: Ownership: The custom design belongs to Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd until the client has paid in full. Once full payment has been received, full ownership of your custom design, business branding or corporate identity will be handed over to you. In the event of termination of this agreement Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd owns the custom design and has the right to complete, exhibit and/or sell the custom design. Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd also owns all the design concepts created before the final custom design. Use of Design: Once the client has paid in full the client has the right to advertise your new design, branding or corporate identity in all media and that Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd reserves the right to display the design for Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd’s promotional use. The client also gives Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd permission to use the client’s full business name, business location and/or website address for testimonial purposes on Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd’s website, or other business related media. Right to Modify (Alterations): The client has no right to alter the final custom design in anyway. If the client desires any design alterations the client will consult Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd first and Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd will be allowed the first option to make design alterations when possible. The client understands that there will be an additional fee to make these alterations. Request: The client will consider submitting a testimonial to Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd and leaving a review on Concept Design * Marketing Pty Ltd’s Google and Facebook page. Delays: The client agrees to give Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd more time in case of illness, injury or is delayed because of events beyond Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd’s control, like: fire, theft, computer failure, and Acts of God. 3. Payment terms: The client must pay Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd in two payments. A Stage 1 50% payment before the commencement of work and the balance due at the commencement of work and before final artwork is handed over. Payment must be made by client by Ezypay payment or direct deposit into Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd account. 4. Confidentiality: Throughout the term of this agreement (and for a period of two years after the termination of this agreement) both parties shall keep absolutely confidential all matter relating to the business of each other and the affairs of each other and shall not disclose (so far as is it within either parties control or power to do so) any information of either party except only as may be required by law or to the extent only that such matter is already in the public domain. 5. Termination: Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd has the right to terminate this agreement if the client breaches any of its obligations under this agreement and fails to rectify the breach within 5 working days; any representation made by the client in this agreement which is not true when made or deemed to be made; an insolvency event occurs in relation to the client; or the client ceases to function as a going concern. The client has the right to terminate this agreement if Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd fails to complete the custom website design within 60 days of the signing of this agreement or if, illness or injury, or events beyond Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd’s control causes a delay of more than 60 days from the agreed delivery date. If terminated, Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd shall return to the client 25% of the stage 1 fee. The client understands that the client cannot claim any additional expenses, damages or claims based on the failure of Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd to complete the custom website design, and that this agreement is automatically terminated on the death of Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd. NOTE: Before you sign below please make sure you understand all of the above agreement. If this contract is acceptable to you and you are paying by direct debt then, this agreement will be considered signed with your stage 1 payment from your quote into Concept Designs & Marketing Pty Ltd account by Ezypay or Direct Deposit. This agreement is executed on: Date* dd-JAN-yyyy First Last Invalid value Signature Clear Invalid value Business name (if applicable) Invalid value Business ABN/ACN (if applicable) Invalid value Any further notes: Invalid value I agree to the terms and conditions (required)* Yes Invalid value Submit