In today’s world of information overload, there’s always an advantage to use visual content for marketing. Along with the prevalence of internet, mobile devices, and short attention spans, in order to engage your potential customers, you need to present them with easy to digest, visually attractive content as part of your marketing strategy.
1 Photos & Images
The first step is to use images, whether it be your logo or photos, it is essential that every business should have something that your audience can visually connect and identify with. These days quality images are easy to find if you don’t have time to take your own photos. Try photo-sharing or stock photo sites which offer free images or for a small fee. Be sure that you comply with the copyright while using them. Another way to generate images is to take screenshots –use them to show how your app works, or capture client reviews.
2 Infographics
The next step up from images, is Infographics. If you haven’t yet read our blog on Infographics, you need to know that human brains are wired for visuals, and process visuals 60,000x faster than text in our brains! So when you have to present data or statistics, instead of using chunks of text and numbers which will surely send your customers yawning (or scrolling right past!), try presenting them as an Infographic!
3 Videography
Now onto visuals with motion – Videos are great in showing how your product or service can help your customers, allows you to do demonstrations, or interview clients for testimonials. The opportunities are endless! Videos also gain more click-throughs than images alone. Be sure that you create good quality videos – it’s better to have one great video than lots of mediocre ones, see our tips in this blog, and also follow the right way to reach your target, there’s no point having a great video but delivering it to your audience!
4 Captioned Images or Memes
We all know of at least one funny Meme that you cannot forget, right? It could be that “monkey” or funny “cat” meme, or the “Trump” images that are currently circulating like wildfire. Well, sometimes it can really boost your marketing with a light-hearted, but relevant captioned image. If done right, you can gain good traction from sharing on social media, as people love to share a laugh! Just remember to choose carefully, and that the captions are not offensive, or inappropriate to your target age group. Generally speaking, memes are more effective towards a younger target market.
Now that you know some ways to engage your customers visually, one more thing to remember is, make sure your visual content is good quality. Low resolution, ill designed, or bland visual content can do you more harm than good. If graphics is not your forte, enlist the help of a graphic designer who can help you with consistent colours and style that matches your branding.
Concept Designs and Marketing has a team of experienced and creative Graphic Designers who all have a keen eye for detail and quality. Get in touch with us today to see how we can help your business create amazing visual content!
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